Writing a literary research paper
Essay Topics About Domestic Violence And Social Support
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Capital Punishment Essay
Capital punishment has been around for a long time and will most likely be around for some to come. Albeit a few residents feel the death penalty is morally off-base, it is vital in today’s society for different reasons. Society must be remained careful from the primitive demonstrations of murders and attacker, by removing their lives to work and act in our general public. Most crooks don’t consider the aftereffects of their activities. In the event that an individual aiming to perpetrate a wrongdoing, sees another criminal put to death for a similar wrongdoing the individual is going to do, the individual may think before executing the wrongdoing. Edward Koch, who has been region pioneer, councilman, congressman, and civic chairman says, â€Å"human life merits extraordinary security, and perhaps the most ideal approaches to ensure that insurance is to guarantee that indicted murders don't execute again†(323). An individual, who has been influenced by a criminal’s work, would most likely feel that capital punishment is reasonable. It’s difficult to envision how it would feel in the event that one of your friends and family were killed. By and by I would need the individual who took my adored one’s life to endure. What's more, most mother’s perspectives would be very comparative. On the off chance that a criminal was to assault a youngster the mother would more than likely need capital punishment for the attacker. Koch makes a comparative point by saying, †Life is for sure valuable and I accept capital punishment assists with insisting the fact†(322). Most nations on the planet don't utilize capital punishment as a type of discipline. In any case, most nations have stiffer punishments for wrongdoings. On the off chance that the United States were to make a law like this it would be excessively cruel. In any case, if on a person’s third offense of taking, their hand were cut off then this would be increasingly fitting. The death penalty additionally has its negative impacts. Life detainment without the chance for further appeal fills indistinguishable needs from the death penalty at less expense without the discussion of whether it’s right or wrong. Likewise, with the death penalty there is the opportunity of executing a guiltless individual. Poor people and minorities have less cash to spend on a decent legal counselor, so they are more in danger for an unjustifiable preliminary. In correlation the Bible additionally says that death penalty isn't ethically right. The Ten Commandments in the Bible states, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†(Ex. 20.13). Steve Hux the minister at Cedar Creek Free Will Baptist Church says, â€Å"capital discipline is scripturally off-base and one human life ought not be placed in the possession of another.†Still capital punishment’s benefits exceed the negative impacts. It’s essential to help keep wrongdoing off the lanes and this is a firm method to do it. The death penalty shows hoodlums that they should endure their outcomes. Taking everything into account, the death penalty is an only method of discipline. It permits casualties families to have to some degree a comfort, by realizing that horrible killings are off the boulevards. At long last, the death penalty gives an amazing method to offer the expression: wrongdoing isn't right. Capital punishment has been around for a long time and will likely be around for some to come. Albeit a few residents feel the death penalty is morally off-base, it is essential in today’s society for different reasons. Society must be remained careful from the uncouth demonstrations of murders and attacker, by removing their lives to work and act in our general public. Most crooks don’t consider the aftereffects of their activities. On the off chance that an individual meaning to perpetrate a wrongdoing, sees another criminal put to death for a similar wrongdoing the person in question is going to complete, the individual may think before executing the wrongdoing. Edward Koch, who has been region pioneer, councilman, congressman, and city hall leader says, â€Å"human life merits uncommon insurance, and perhaps the most ideal approaches to ensure that security is to guarantee that indicted murders don't execute again†(323). An individual, who has been influenced by a criminal’s work, would most likely feel that capital punishment is reasonable. It’s difficult to envision how it would feel in the event that one of your friends and family were killed. By and by I would need the individual who took my adored one’s life to endure. Also, most mother’s perspectives would be very comparative. On the off chance that a criminal was to assault a youngster the mother would more than likely need capital punishment for the attacker. Koch makes a comparative point by saying, †Life is without a doubt valuable and I accept the passing penaltyâ helps to certify the fact†(322). Most nations on the planet don't utilize capital punishment as a type of discipline. Be that as it may, most nations have stiffer punishments for violations. On the off chance that the United States were to make a law like this it would be excessively unforgiving. Regardless, if on a person’s third offense of taking, their hand were cut off then this would be increasingly proper. The death penalty additionally has its negative impacts. Life detainment without any chance to appeal fills indistinguishable needs from the death penalty at less expense without the discussion of whether it’s right or wrong. Likewise, with the death penalty there is the opportunity of executing a guiltless individual. Poor people and minorities have less cash to spend on a decent legal counselor, so they are more in danger for an out of line preliminary. In examination the Bible additionally says that death penalty isn't ethically right. The Ten Commandments in the Bible states, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†(Ex. 20.13). Steve Hux the minister at Cedar Creek Free Will Baptist Church says, â€Å"capital discipline is scripturally off-base and one human life ought not be placed in the possession of another.†Still capital punishment’s benefits exceed the negative impacts. It’s essential to help keep wrongdoing off the avenues and this is a firm method to do it. The death penalty shows hoodlums that they should endure their results. All in all, death penalty is an only method of discipline. It permits casualties families to have fairly a comfort, by realizing that awful killings are off the avenues. At last, the death penalty gives an incredible method to offer the expression: wrongdoing isn't right. Capital punishment has been around for a long time and will most likely be around for some to come. Albeit a few residents feel the death penalty is morally off-base, it is fundamental in today’s society for different reasons. Society must be remained careful from the uncouth demonstrations of murders and attacker, by removing their lives to work and act in our general public. Most lawbreakers don’t consider the consequences of their activities. On the off chance that a personâ intending to perpetrate a wrongdoing, sees another criminal put to death for a similar wrongdoing the individual in question is going to complete, the individual may think before executing the wrongdoing. Edward Koch, who has been locale pioneer, councilman, congressman, and city hall leader says, â€Å"human life merits exceptional insurance, and probably the most ideal approaches to ensure that security is to guarantee that sentenced murders don't slaughter again†(323). An individual, who has been influenced by a criminal’s work, would most likely feel that capital punishment is reasonable. It’s difficult to envision how it would feel in the event that one of your friends and family were killed. By and by I would need the individual who took my cherished one’s life to endure. Furthermore, most mother’s perspectives would be very comparable. In the event that a criminal was to assault a youngster the mother would more than likely need capital punishment for the attacker. Koch makes a comparative point by saying, †Life is in reality valuable and I accept capital punishment assists with attesting the fact†(322). Most nations on the planet don't utilize capital punishment as a type of discipline. Notwithstanding, most nations have stiffer punishments for violations. On the off chance that the United States were to make a law like this it would be excessively unforgiving. In any case, if on a person’s third offense of taking, their hand were cut off then this would be increasingly proper. The death penalty likewise has its negative impacts. Life detainment without any chance to appeal fills indistinguishable needs from the death penalty at less expense without the discussion of whether it’s right or wrong. Likewise, with the death penalty there is the opportunity of murdering a guiltless individual. Poor people and minorities have less cash to spend on a decent attorney, so they are more in danger for an unjustifiable preliminary. In correlation the Bible likewise says that death penalty isn't ethically right. The Ten Commandments in the Bible states, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†(Ex. 20.13). Steve Hux the minister at Cedar Creek Free Will Baptist Church says, â€Å"capital discipline is scripturally off-base and one human life ought not be placed in the possession of another.†Still capital punishment’s benefits exceed the negative impacts. It’s essential to help keep wrongdoing offâ the avenues and this is a firm method to do it. The death penalty shows crooks that they should endure their results. Taking everything into account, the death penalty is an only method of discipline. It permits casualties families to have to some degree a reassurance, by realizing that horrendous homicides are off the avenues. At long last, the death penalty gives an incredible method to offer the expression: wrongdoing isn't right.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Drug abuse Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Medication misuse - Statistics Project Example For instance, individuals who use cannabis, heroin, or cocaine may not focus on social advancement since they feel happy with their current circumstance. On certain events, the medication client may part from family jobs, disconnected, vomited, or discouraged. These results of medication use ruin singular commitment to social development. 3. Medication culture will in general give fulfillment to the medication clients. As contended by Isajiw (156), individuals who use tranquilize for the most part manufacture some psychological pictures about a given social state. The Asian and the Blacks slaves working in America, for instance, utilized cocaine and cannabis to alleviate their burdens, empowered them to adapt to the hard conditions. 4. Medication use, as a social issue, impacts connection between the medication client and their quick network. In this sense, utilization of specific medications presents danger to the general public. The social texture as a rule relies upon an individual capacity to cling to social structures. Be that as it may, sedate utilize will in general impact singular understanding to social interest. 5. Medications influence the typical body work since it meddles with synapses. Theo and Jim (229), in their book, Social Problems, saw that some social issues such temperament issue, despondency, among others are molded by synthetics focus in the mind. As an individual uses a medication, the synthetic compounds in the drag stream into the circulatory system to the human cerebrum. When the synthetic concoctions arrive at the cerebrum, they meddle with the ordinary body
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Gab of Sky by Anna Hope Essays
A Gab of Sky by Anna Hope Essays A Gab of Sky by Anna Hope Paper A Gab of Sky by Anna Hope Paper To be joined with many, and still feel so alone In the limitlessness of extraordinary urban communities an inclination many can identify with. Each man and lady awakens, ventures out into world, clearing their path through the interminable mess of people, every one with an immense measure of objectives, that must be accomplished and goals that must be reached. Some portion of growing up has, in cliché design, been said to be to acknowledge this reality; the truth of scratching off the plan for the day consistently. It may just be an extravagance of youth that one can shun this, and let ones Instinctive aspiration and wants lager. To be constrained by the Immediate needs and considerations of ones brain and heart. This is actually what Elli, the primary character of A Gap of Sky, by Anna Hope, does. Overwhelmed by the city, and its throbbing, ceaseless beat the peruser follows the youthful Elli in her basic objective of buying some PC ink. On her mission however, she is taken over by abrupt desires and interest. She lets herself influence away from her way. Elli is a multi year old young lady, carrying on with the lighthearted and outrageous life, in the humming city of London. One accept she Is considering English at a college, because of the reality her shopping center objective for the day Is to compose an exposition on Virginia Wolf. As she lies in her bed, the peruser gets her waking together from an insane evening to remember, improved with liquor and medications. She laments nothing and is by all accounts carrying on with the life, where each second is valuable and must be appreciated without limit. Unexpectedly she understands it is Monday, and the cruel real factors creep up upon her. She should compose and deliver this exposition the following day, yet she has no printer Ink. So she defines herself the objective of purchasing the printer Ink, and from that point composing the exposition. It Is a splendid, radiant, yet chilly day, that wraps her body and damages her lungs, as she disperses through the city in scan for a PC store. She is overpowered by all the impressions, and allured by her interest she ponders off her way. In an odd show or the like her head starts to throb. The agony realizes a sense dread, urgency and gloom in her. The idea of death starts to move in her cognizance. She searches out a waterway, to calm her from this horrifying torment. On her way she starts to feel much improved, and following a more abnormal she enters a store or the like. There she gets somewhat stone: a stone that achieves a melancholic sensation in her. She starts to think back about her mom, who the late spring before had given Elli a stone like this one, for good karma. She rehashes her moms name to herself, imagining her in her mind, which cause her to feel lighter, alive and lovely. An inclination she trusts the world can see. She needs to impart it to the world. Exiting onto the road once more, she perceives how, all around individuals are Interconnected by the power of profound devotion, that she herself feels. Avoiding ceaselessly once more, recalling her requirement for imputer-ink, she by and by clears her path through the city. She has however, not overlooked the waterway, she look through a porch from where she can respect it. The night above gets her, and she toward the end notes to herself every one of her objectives, and how everything is acceptable. The storyteller is a third individual omniscient, utilizing the account strategy; continuous flow, a procedure the author and women's activist Virginia Wolf utilized In numerous AT close to works I Is . N stream throws ten peruser In numerous readiness, Owe to Ell being diverted and unfocused. This specialized reference to Virginia Wolf could e considered a between literary component. It could be an aftereffect of ingesting drugs she changes her concentration constantly, for instance; Monday. It is Monday. Article there is a paper due, significant, due for Tuesday morning ( ), etc. Her contemplations are briskly hurried through. The portrayal Jumps from subject to subject, as though one were inside the leader of the youthful Elli. It is clamorous and hysterical, much like the city of London, which is the setting of the story. It could be reasoned this is the creators reason. Her psyche is dim, and nearly does not have a feeling of structure, much like en could state about a major occupied city, similar to London. Elli is continually progressing, attracting equals to the throbbing city. Her perspectives towards things appears to be insubordinate, exemplified by her substance and chuckle when she sees a glove on a fence, flicking the world off. She doesn't feel responsible to anybody. The show she unearths has the topic Living and Dying, a topic is exceptionally point of reference all through the story. She doesn't feel prepared to pass on; she is alive, and thankful to be so. The city does however have a control over her. It can both cut her down and up once more. At one second the city achieves dread, and trouble in her, causing her to feel terrible, brutish, and short (A. Expectation, pig. 4 1. 8). As her migraine passes, light is thrown down onto the road, leaving her inclination rotten and worn. She understands how short and valuable life is. A revelation portrayed as a Gab in the sky. Advancing toward the waterway, speaking to an intersection in her life, she is confronted with a decision. She can either suffocate herself in the urban areas cloudy waterway, similar to Virginia Wolf did, who is alluded to before in the story. Or on the other hand she can wash herself clean - clean from drugs.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Male and Female Perspectives of Love Essay - 2475 Words
Male and Female Perspectives of Love (Essay Sample) Content: Male and Female Perspectives of LoveInstitutionTutorLove is defined as a constant or strong affection for a person (Merriam Dictionary). It is a feeling that could arise out of attraction that includes sexual desire in romantic bond. Love can also result from kinship and personal ties. It can also be defined as a warm attachment or devotion. With the above definitions in mind the stories à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"The Trial of Loveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Hubert and Minnieà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ will be analyzed in regards to both female and male perspective of love.1. The Trial of LoveMary Shellyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s narratives have many interesting points of analysis. In the short story, the author uses her writing to conceal the reality through male and female characters (Ana, 2011). The story is based on her suspected love triangle between her husband and her stepsister. By use narrative identity, the author can hide details about infidelity and presents the story as a tale of passions a nd fraternal love.In the "the trial of loveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , Ippolito and Angeline are in love. His father who is unhappy with the sonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s choice and demands that the lovers must wait for a year without contact between them so that he can accept their engagement (Ana, 2011). At the end of this period, Angeline discovers that Ippolito has already given up the wait and got engaged to Faustina, almost her sister and a close friend. This disappoints Angeline and pushes her to take the veil in a convent where she had lived for some time. However, Faustinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s marriage to Ippolito does not last for long.Mary Shelleyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s character of Angeline represents personification of goodness since she is serene, quiet and in constant affections. At a young age of twenty two, she has already found love and ready to marry even though she is forced to wait for a year. The author shows the female character as having true love and commitments for their lovers. Angeline had been rais ed in a humble family and had grown with maternal feelings for Faustina, who was from a wealthy family. Even though the character of Faustina is beautiful, well mannered and friendly, she is egocentric and even spoilt (Ana, 2011). Despite the fact that she is five years younger than Angeline she is ready to marry whoever her father nominates to be her husband. Faustinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s conversation with Angeline shows egotism, and she also exhibits recognition of power over the people who love. This implies that Faustina has the potential to use love as a manipulation tool. Angeline hides her feeling from other people and only shows them once she is alone in the convent. It is evident that love controls Angelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s decisions and actions.Mary Shelly used the character of Ippolito to portray fiery and impetuous man who loves ardently and never tolerates opposition in getting his wishes satisfied (Shelly pg.223). Even though he has a strong love for Angeline, the love is not consta nt, and this portrays male as people with a volatile character. The one-year trial period was a measure of love, a test that Ippolito fails. The relationship between Angeline and Faustina is described as idyllic. Even after staying for two years, they still have a strong bond between them. In addition, the two were not in good terms and Faustinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s character seemed to outshine Angelineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s, who tolerates such vivacity. Angeline feels betrayed by Ippolito because she truly loved him. After Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s marriage to Faustina, Angeline acts as a motherly figure and her attitude towards the couple can only be described as angelic. As a nun, Angeline believes in forgiving and has true love for Faustina and leaves the punishment for her betrayal to higher forces. Faustina had seen nothing wrong with in selling her close friend for a husband. She neither remorseful nor afflicted to her friend as evidenced by her taking of sisterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s preferred choice of husba nd.The author portrays female characters as more committed to loving vow than male characters. Despite the fact that it is Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father who forced the lovers into the one year trial period, it is interesting that Angelina who is stronger to that obligation. Another incidence is in the case of Faustina and Angelina are not actual sisters, but they are inseparable. The author shows a fictive relationship between the two female characters and it serves to connect them. This explains Angelina decision of writing a letter to Ippolito to save her supposed marriage. The respect and she has for Faustina compels her to use a letter in an effort to avoid losing her lover. It is Faustina who receives the letter, and she ends up confiding in Angelina. This incidence portrays the female characters as loving despite being in compromising situations.Male characters are portrayed as cold and egocentric. Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father does not accept his sonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s engagement to Ang elina. Instead of congratulating his son on having loved a beautiful woman, Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father looks at the negative side of the lady. The one year vow that he makes the lovers undergo was meant to test the ladyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s commitment to Ippolito and not the loversà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ commitment to each other. One would expect Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father to intervene after his son fails in upholding the vow, but that does not happen. As such, it is easy to conclude that Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father expected the Angelinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s love for Ippolito to fade within that time partially because of her background but on the contrary it is Angelinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s love that comes out strong. The author portrays male character as egotistic since Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father decides who associates with him based on their background. Apparently, male characters are also shown to lack true love, and motivated by material things such as wealth.Mary Shelleyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s main theme in this story relie s on the principle that women definition comes from their relationship with men (Eakin, 2001). Although the bond between women and men is supposed to be based on equality, men are shown to be more superior so as to have the power to give a title to female characters. Angelina and Faustina are faced with challenges to their identities in the story. During the one year period that Angelina is set be engaged to Ippolito, she is forced into silence, and that defines her. Faustina was initially defined by her lineage but that change when she encounters Ippolito. The repairing of their relationship was prompted by a man, and it is evident that a womanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s relationship with a man defines her identity. This could imply that a man does not have to fall in love to have an identity or change his current status.The author uses a female character in the story to show that love should not be changed easily. This is evidenced by the fact that Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s marriage to Faustina does not have a happy ending as the couple lived a normal Italian couple life. Faustina is described to console herself with a cavalier servente (pg. 243) while Ippolito is believed to have lead an inconstant, gay and careless life. The marriage was not based on true love because of the male characterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s inability to commit and uphold true love. Mary Shelly could have used this character because of the events that had happened in her own life. The male character is shown to have little commitment to love while Angeline who represents the female characters is shown to love more and sincerely. Her forgiveness shows true love to both her close friend and to Ippolito. These are qualities that male characters lack and, therefore, it is easy to conclude that female characters are more loving than male characters. Differences in perspectives of lovers are shown by Ippolitoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s interpretation of Angelinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s silence and the actual meaning of the silence (Eakin, 2001). Th ere is clear cut in differences, in perception of actions and actions between male and female characters in the love bond.2. Aldous Huxley's 'Hubert and Minnie'In this short love story, male characters are presented to be hostile towards their lovers. John Glamber does not seem to be interesting in conversing with his wife. When Helen Glamber, his wife informs him that Minnie would be passing by for tea his response "Good Lord" (Huxley) shows his disapprove towards Minnie as a friend to his wife. When Minnie arrives for the tea John cannot tolerate her presence and even leaves to take tea in the club. This portrays the male character as unsupportive of loversà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ ideas. One would expect John to show support for his wife since the two are lovers but on the contrary John Glamber seems to be tolerating his wife. When his wife seeks to know more about ferrets when she asks "Is it really true about ferrets?" (Huxley). John responds in arrogant manner, "How on earth should I kno w." Communication between lovers should cement the bond and Johnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s lack of interest show male characters as hostile towards their lovers.John argues that religion and sin were invented by man for the good of a woman. His remarks "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬.reasons that you would find probably difficult to understand" (Aldous Huxley) portray the male character as chauvinistic in nature. Helen remarks that John knows almost everything. While this may be true, John could have answers to everything just to prove his superiority over his wife. In this case, male characters are portrayed as egoistic and boasting. John further remarks that religion and sin were invented to keep Eve in order. While Adam and Eve are Biblical lovers, Johnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s remarks show egoistic nature of the male character and he even use religious scriptures to show that the trait could be as old as religion.Ted further shows egotism in the male character when he describes his cousin as...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Bipolar Disorder And Mental Health - 755 Words
Bipolar disorder has become more prevalent in the United States, particularly Bipolar Disorder II, which accounts for 30-50% of patients with depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Historically bipolar was known as manic depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). According to National Institute of Mental Health (n. d.) â€Å"Most scientists agree that there is no single cause, rather many factors that act together to produce the illness or increase the risk†(NIMH, n. d.) Some of those factors can be family, workplace, and environmental stressors along with some precipitants such as: history of past suicide, medical issues, interpersonal conflicts, disputes, job related failure (Thomas Hersen, 2002). On the other hand, DSM IV categorizes bipolar according to severity, duration, and quality of presenting manic symptoms (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Its believed that the onset of Bipolar diagnosis is mid 20’s (NIMH, n. d.). There are 4 types of bipolar disorders, the first is Bipolar 1, which is distinguished by a manic episode which usually leads a person to be hospitalized or abnormal behavior for about 1 week, along with 5 out of 8 symptoms of depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Manic episode can also be abnormal behavior, displayed anywhere including workplace, such as: irritability, racing thoughts/flight of ideas, poor concentration, confusion, loud, argumentative, euphoria, and thoughts of grandiosity (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Bipolar II displays milder symptoms of mania and brieferShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Mental Health934 Words  | 4 Pages Bipolar Disorder is otherwise known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that causes shifts in moods, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. (Cite) These changes in behavior are outside of the norm as most people have ups and downs throughout their daily routines. But those with Bipolar Disorder experience shifts in mood that can be damaging to relationships, as well as their overall school and work performances. (Cite) I chose this disorder as the topicRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health1691 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 5 million individuals over the age of 18 are affected by bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is an illness that occurs with the brain and causes abnormal shifts in mood and energy. An individual with bipolar disorder will experience many ups and downs. These ups and downs are way different from the ups and downs an individual without the disorder will experience. B ipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and if not noticed, or treated properlyRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health910 Words  | 4 Pagespercent of American’s suffer with bipolar disorder but, unless you know someone who has the disorder or have it yourself you probably cannot define the disorder. Bipolar disorder is defined as a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks by the National Institute of Mental Health. Or that is what the current definition for bipolar disorder is. Alan C. Swann in his article What is Bipolar Disorder says that we are far from a rigorousRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health Essay851 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience a mood disorder known as Bipolar Disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about one percent of the American population have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Living with a person that has been diagnosed with bipolar diso rder is very difficult, especially not knowing anything about bipolar. There are many questions to be asked. Such as what is the disorder? Is bipolar disorder heredity? How is the disorder treated? First of all, Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressiveRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health855 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience a mood disorder known as Bipolar Disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about one percent of the American population has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Living with a person that has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder is very difficult, especially not knowing anything about bipolar. There are many questions to be asked. Such as what is the disorder? Is bipolar disorder heredity? How is the disorder treated? First of all, Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressiveRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health1840 Words  | 8 PagesInstitute of Mental Health (2015), bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that may cause random shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and their ability to perform everyday tasks. There are different types of bipolar episodes; the high, euphoric episodes are known as mania, and the low, miserable episodes are known as depression. The median age, of those who are affected by this illness, is 25 years old. Although, it can start in early childhood, or as late as 50 years old. This mental illness doesRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health Issue1619 Words  | 7 Pages The word â€Å"bipolar†is commonly tossed around in our daily vocabulary to simply describe a person who is overly moody and easily irritated. However, the implications of the mental health issue, that is bipolar disorder, is much more complex than is implied. Bipolar disorder was first discovered in 1851 by French psychiatrist Jean-Pierre Falret who described the condition as â€Å"la folie circulaire†which literally translates to circular insanity (SeddlerRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Mental Health Condition981 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, is a disorder characterized by extreme mood changes. An individual who suffers from this disorder can have extreme highs or extreme lows. They could go from being overly energetic and outgoing to feeling empty, depressed, angry and just completely worthless on a daily, weekly, monthly and or even yearly basis. Diagnosis, dramatic changes in one’s life, and even treatment can have a ser ious effect on an individual that is suffering from Bipolar disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Mental Health Diagnosis797 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar disorder is a mental health diagnosis when a person can experience extremely different moods. It also can affect the brain during the progression of the illness. A person with this diagnosis usually experiences mood changes of extremely high moods/ manic or extremely low moods which look like depression. There are two different types of Bipolar disorders. The first is Bipolar I which is when a person’s mood can go to severe mania or severe depression. The second type is Bipolar II whichRead MoreDepression And Bipolar Disorder : The National Institute Of Mental Health Essay1358 Words  | 6 PagesDepression and Bipolar Disorder Whitney Keeton Mr. John Davis Jr., MFA, M. Ed. English Composition 1 - ENC 1101 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6-10 PM Keiser University â€Æ' Depression and Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has stated that depression is a common but serious mood disorder. Depression is also a form of mental illness; that have many different types. Some of the types of depression are as follows: †¢ Persistent depressive disorder †¢ Perinatal depression †¢ Psychotic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dna Barcoding And Its Effects On The Malaysian Market
There is very little customers can do to ensure that they are purchasing the fish they are paying for. Producers and restaurants owners have a tendency to mislabel their products for their own reasons. The main reason is yet to be determined but there are researchers who have made it their goal to resolve this dispute and show customers what they are truly buying. Too Chin Chin et al. attempt to utilize the DNA barcoding in the fish segment, to assess the frequency of fish mislabeling on the Malaysian market (2015). DNA barcoding tries to standardize scientific classification by using short, single DNA sequence, for example, part of the mitochondrial gene COI to distinguish between species (Larson, 2007). The process begins with extracting DNA and using primers to amplify COI regions from the DNA extracts via PCR. The sequences attained are compared to the available sequences in Bold and GenBank databases to find the mislabeled products. Similarly, a character-based key can also be c onstructed to review the reference sequences for variable nucleotides that can serve as diagnostics for the species you wish to study (Loweinstein, 2009). Along with Too Chin Chin et al., there are other researchers who based their study on the same concept to find mislabeled seafood products in certain parts of the world. Dana Miller et al. examined seafood fraud in two types of Whitefish in Europe. Although, the motivation for these works are to find mislabeling in products using the standard
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Alcohol Abuse Among College Students and Possible Essay Example For Students
Alcohol Abuse Among College Students and Possible Essay Solutions Alcohol Abuse Among College Students and Possible Essay Solutions Binge or excessive drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses today including the campus of Georgia Southern University. Binge or excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomena in which college students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campus of Georgia Southern University and surrounding areas, including businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially accepted. Alcohol Abuse Among College Students and Possible Solutions One of the biggest problems with educational institutions in the United States is alcohol abuse among college students. College students across the United States including Georgia Southern University end up missing class, having unprotected sex, damaging property, and getting injured as a result of abusing alcohol. Also the health risks involved with binge or excessive drinking is very prevalent and risky for any college student who chooses to abuse alcohol. Besides alcohol poisoning, there are many cancers and diseases associated with alcohol abuse that ultimately lead to death. Liver cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer can all be associated with alcohol abuse (Drinking: A Students Guide, 2001). Also heart and liver disease can be associated with alcohol abuse (Drinking: A Students Guide, 2001). Ultimately the over all wellness among Colleges and Universities in the United States drops dramatically when alcohol is abused. The abuse of alcohol among college students has a direct correlation to socialization (Mendelson, 2000, p.13). Students who go to college believe that binge or excessive drinking is a social norm. That when you go off to college its time to not only get a degree, but also a time to drink and socialize at parties. In the end, alcohol is glamorized and often enough abused. Ultimately alcohol becomes so much of a social norm that students do not realize how and when alcohol is abusive. Therefore the problem is how to inform students in a socially acceptable manner of how and when alcohol becomes abusive to their own well being. This reports seeks to explore all aspects of alcohol abuse related to college students through definitions and statistical problems of alcohol abuse in hopes of ultimately providing solutions to increasing the wellness at Georgia Southern University. There are many definitions associated with alcohol and alcohol abuse in general that need to be clarified. Most college students think of alcohol as that cheap high they get to obtain on the weekends at social events called parties. Knowing what alcohol really is and what exactly it can do to your body in excessive amounts over time and in any one sitting is one of the main problems with why college students abuse alcohol. The social norm of binge or excessive drinking in college is prevailing over the social fact of what alcohol really is and what it can do to a persons health! The actual definition of alcohol is a liquid distilled product of fermented fruits, grains, and vegetables used as a solvent, antiseptic and sedative (Drinking: A students Guide, 2001). The possible effects of alcohol would include intoxication, sensory alteration, and anxiety reduction. Symptoms of overdose would include staggering, loss of coordination, slurred speech, dilated pupils, and nerve and liver damage. Indications of possible misuse would include confusion, disorientation, convulsions, shock, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and possible death (Drinking: A students Guide, 2001). Now any logical person not affected by some social norm and peer pressure would not give in to drinking such an antiseptic. Most college students will say they know what alcohol can do to them, but they continue to drink excessively because its the social norm. Furthermore college students are confused as to what is considered alcohol abuse and simply alcoholism. .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .postImageUrl , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:hover , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:visited , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:active { border:0!important; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:active , .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6 .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6d98f4c4235468ec01bf2446cd2a59e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The New Internet NGI Essay The confusion between the definitions of alcohol abuse and alcoholism leads to many misconceptions or myths among college .
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